We are pleased to announce the release of version 1.0.6 of Stat-JR.
This version has all the existing functionality of Stat-JR including its own MCMC estimation engine, interoperability with many software packages, three different interfaces (web, eBook and workflow) and its statistical analysis assistant features. In addition this new release also showcases work in a recent British Academy funded grant looking at using Stat-JR to create statistical teaching materials for SPSS.
This release contains many bug fixes:
https://www.bristol.ac.uk/cmm/software/ ... fixes.html
All manuals have been updated for the new version and are available at http://www.bristol.ac.uk/cmm/software/statjr/manuals/.
Our Stat-JR software has been freely available to both the UK academic and MLwiN user communities from its first version. As an early Christmas present we have decided that for the next month or so we will give away Stat-JR version 1.0.6 free to all. This means that if you download Stat-JR in the next month you will have a free version of the software. This version will have all the same functionality as earlier versions of the software and use will not be time-limited although you will not currently be eligible for support or free upgrades. Any Stat-JR interoperability functions that involve other software e.g. SPSS or MLwiN will require you to own such software and have it on your machine. We very much hope you enjoy Stat-JR and have a great festive season.
Note that Stat-JR is now a 64-bit application, so if you are updating from a version prior to 1.0.5 you will need to download a new C++ compiler.