Specifying starting values behaves strangely

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Posts: 63
Joined: Sat Aug 15, 2015 4:00 pm

Specifying starting values behaves strangely

Post by adeldaoud »


I am trying to specify starting values as this:

test.mcmc2 <- runMLwiN(logit(AbsolutDep, cons) ~ 1 + DisVic + (1 | country) + (1 |CountryClusterHouse),
D = "Binomial", estoptions = list(EstM = 0,
startval=list(FP.b = FP.b.my)),
data = dfrm)

This generates the following error:

> test.mcmc2 <- runMLwiN(logit(AbsolutDep, cons) ~ 1 + DisVic + (1 | country) + (1 |CountryClusterHouse),
+ D = "Binomial", estoptions = list(EstM = 0,
+ startval=list(FP.b = FP.b.my)),
+ data = dfrm)
/nogui option ignored

Echoing is ON

Batch mode is ON
iteration 0
iteration 1

Convergence not achieved
JOIN -1.71714532375336 2.10982799530029 '_FP_b'
JOIN 0 0 0 '_FP_v'
JOIN 0 0 0 '_RP_b'
JOIN 0 0 0 0 0 0 '_RP_v'

error while obeying batch file C:/Users/adel/AppData/Local/Temp/Rtmp4GO7Gq/macrofile_1d0056b63ef7.txt at line number 81:

random part gone to zero - can not continue

WARNING: macro file has aborted, your data may be in a transformed state

WARNING: macro file has aborted, your data may be in a transformed state

error while obeying batch file C:/Users/adel/AppData/Local/Temp/Rtmp4GO7Gq/macrofile_1d0056b63ef7.txt at line number 81:

random part gone to zero - can not continue
Execution completed

Error in read.dta(IGLSfile) :
unable to open file: 'No such file or directory'


However, if I run in debug mode and press Start and then Resume Macro. The code will work. This means that Mlwin takes the code from R2mlwin, after a number of iterations the estimate turn green, the object is exported back to R successfully.

But, if I press Resume Macro first, it will fail. With the error code as captured by the screen shot.

Additional information: Running this tutorial involving starining values actually works:
file.show(system.file("demo", "MCMCGuide05.R", package = "R2MLwiN"))

I am not sure what is going on.

Thanks for your input
startvalues correctly specified.png
startvalues correctly specified.png (62.2 KiB) Viewed 8895 times
random part gone to zero.png
random part gone to zero.png (99.3 KiB) Viewed 8895 times
Posts: 1369
Joined: Mon Oct 19, 2009 10:34 am

Re: Specifying starting values behaves strangely

Post by ChrisCharlton »

This happens because when you specify starting values R2MLwiN uses these instead of generating them from an initial IGLS fit. Any parameters that you do not provide values for (in your case the random part parameters) will start with initial values of zero. As zero is not a sensible starting value for many parameters this can cause error like those that you have seen. To work around this you either need to specify starting values for parameters or run an initial IGLS version of the model first and pass in the outputs from this in as your starting values.
Posts: 63
Joined: Sat Aug 15, 2015 4:00 pm

Re: Specifying starting values behaves strangely

Post by adeldaoud »

Thanks Chris. Your suggestion works.
Posts: 63
Joined: Sat Aug 15, 2015 4:00 pm

Re: Specifying starting values behaves strangely

Post by adeldaoud »


I am following up on this thread, but the question is merely related.

I am using starting values and passing both FP.b and RP.b to the model as you suggested. R2mlwing manages to run this model if I use a small random sample of the original data (~ 1000 cases), but not when I want to estimate the model of the full sample (~ 1.9 million cases).

I am getting this error code:

> m1test2 <- runMLwiN(logit(AbsolutDep, cons) ~ 1 + (1 | country) + (1 |CountryClusterHouse), D = "Binomial", estoptions = list(EstM = 1, resi.store=F,
+ debugmode=F, optimat=T,
+ mcmcMeth=list(iterations=10, burnin=10),
+ mcmcOptions=list(hcen=3),
+ startval=list(FP.b = PLOSONEestimations20000IGLS[[1]]@FP , RP.b = PLOSONEestimations20000IGLS[[1]]@RP)), data = test4a, workdir = tempdir(), MLwiNPath="C:/Program Files (x86)/MLwiN v2.35/")

MLwiN is running, please wait......
/nogui option ignored

Echoing is ON
iteration 0

Convergence not achieved
JOIN -0.491145551204681 '_FP_b'
JOIN 0 '_FP_v'
JOIN 1.10714721679688 1.04919278621674 1 '_RP_b'
JOIN 0 0 0 0 0 0 '_RP_v'

Echoing is ON
MCMC 0 10 1 5.8 50 10 G30[1] G30[2] 2 2 2 1 1 2

error while obeying batch file C:/Users/adel/AppData/Local/Temp/Rtmp4GO7Gq/macrofile_1d002647c62.txt at line number 139:
MCMC 0 10 1 5.8 50 10 C2498] C2499] 2 2 2 1 1 2

wrong length random constraint matrix

error while obeying batch file C:/Users/adel/AppData/Local/Temp/Rtmp4GO7Gq/macrofile_1d002647c62.txt at line number 139:
MCMC 0 10 1 5.8 50 10 C2498] C2499] 2 2 2 1 1 2

wrong length random constraint matrix
Execution completed

Error in read.dta(MCMCfile) :
unable to open file: 'No such file or directory'

Do you have any idea what is going on? I have tried to pass only the relevant variables, in case we are having a ram problem (my PC has 64 GB of ram), but that does not work either. I am clueless about what to try next.

I am hoping you might have any ideas about what to do next.

Many thanks in advance

PS I am not sure if it is related. But I am also observing a wobbling RAM consumption behaviour when I run this model (see picture please). I have not seen anything like it before. Can these two events be related?
process.png (40.66 KiB) Viewed 8870 times
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