File impvals.txt not found

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Posts: 2
Joined: Sat Aug 05, 2017 4:22 pm

File impvals.txt not found

Post by mattyjsmith »

Dear Realcom user community,

I am having trouble with the Realcom-Impute command in Stata. I am running the following syntax:

realcomImpute o.bistage m.numroute agediag fuyear sex morphology ///
dep dead using crcimpute.dat, replace numresponses(2) ///
level2id(ccggroup) cons(cons)

I receive the following from Stata:

2 responses: o.bistage m.numroute
6 auxiliary variables: agediag fuyear sex morphology dep dead
(note: file crcimpute.dat not found)
Data saved to crcimpute.dat
(note: file crcimpute_wts.dat not found)

I then try the realcomImputeLoad command:


and I receive the following error message:

file impvals.txt not found

I am wondering why I would be getting this error message?
Any help is much appreciated.

Thank you
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Joined: Mon Oct 19, 2009 10:34 am

Re: File impvals.txt not found

Post by ChrisCharlton »

You need to take the files output from the first command (crcimpute.dat and crcimpute_wts.dat) and load them into the Realcom-Impute package (see ... ation.html). Once run this will then create the necessary imputed datasets for the second command. Could you confirm that you are running this middle step?
Posts: 2
Joined: Sat Aug 05, 2017 4:22 pm

Re: File impvals.txt not found

Post by mattyjsmith »

Thank you for your repsonse, Chris.

I have not been running this middle step. Are there guided steps to show how to load these files into the Realcom-Impute package?

Kind regards,

Posts: 1369
Joined: Mon Oct 19, 2009 10:34 am

Re: File impvals.txt not found

Post by ChrisCharlton »

Yes, the document Goldstein H. (2009) REALCOM-Impute: Multiple Imputation using MLwiN, User Guide, linked to from ... ation.html steps through an example. You just need to ignore the references to MLwiN and use the files as generated from Stata instead.
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