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Multinomial repeated logistic regression

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 8:20 pm
by shakespeare
I have a longitudinal data set that is comprised of a set of physician prescription patterns (three unordered categories). Within each physician there are two assessments, pre- and post-test. At the pre- and post-test, there are 3-140 responses for each physician. So I have these measurements nested in times, and times nested in physicians. There are several educational groups that form an IV. It's not really the type of data I was expecting (normally one gets one measurement at each time period), but it's what I was given and I'm wondering if there's a way to use all of the data. Can this be set up as a 3-level longitudinal model in MLwiN? I realize that with only two time periods I can't do any growth curves, but I'm normally a SAS user, and it does not provide for repeated measures designs in the multinomial case. What do you think?

Re: Multinomial repeated logistic regression

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 2:49 pm
by shakespeare
Thought about this some more. Seems like a repeated cross-sectional analysis would work. That makes this a three level model: individual measurements nested in time nested in physicians. If I include the grouping variable which is at level three, then I have an equation that looks like the following for a random intercept model that treats physicians as random:



vok is the random effect for physician
uojk is the random effect for time
eijk is the residual for each person

I'd like to free up the covariance structure for u so that it could be something like AR1 to account for the correlations across time. I guess I could also free up the covariance structure for e to account for the correlations within each time point. Does this make sense? I think I could figure out how to set this up in MLwiN.