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Using MLwiN non interactively

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 3:22 pm
by scotterdavid

I'm new to MLwinN, and I'm helping one of our users transfer their work to a computational cluster. This cluster is running Windows HPC, and it is primarily an non interactive system. So we'll need to package up this user's job, and submit it to the "batch" queue on the cluster. So, in other words, I'll need to put some MLwiN commands in a file, invoke MLwiN, supply the data and then run the job. That's the rough idea.

Does anyone know how to do this, or if this is possible, please. Ideally we'll need to workout any reference to the GUI -- a bit like using R non interactively via "R CMD BATCH script_file".

Best -- David.

Re: Using MLwiN non interactively

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 8:53 pm
by ChrisCharlton
Yes this is possible. You will need to create a file containing a series of MLwiN commands and then pass this an an argument to mlwin /run.

In order to create the necessary file you will be need to become familiar with the MLwiN command language. Most of the documentation for the commands can be found in the help file or the command manual (which can be downloaded from ... nuals.html). Alternatively you can get a good idea of what the commands do if you watch the contents of the command interface window while you use the GUI. Finally, if you have access to Stata I would suggest that you look at the MLwiN command files generated by the runmlwin command, which you can find more information about at