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Could not load plugin: c:\ado\plus\r\runmlwin_mcmcdiagnostic

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 11:19 am
by giodje12
I am using Stata/SE 12 and MLwiN 2.26, and have made sure that my version of -runmlwin- is up-to-date.
When I run my ordinal regression using MCMC I get the following error message

Could not load plugin: c:\ado\plus\r\runmlwin_mcmcdiagnostics.plugin

I have no idea what this error message means, as the plugin it is trying to load is saved in the location it says. I double checked with the following line
checksum "c:\ado\plus\r\runmlwin_mcmcdiagnostics.plugin"
and got the following message
Checksum for c:\ado\plus\r\runmlwin_mcmcdiagnostics.plugin = 3350975362, size = 37376

I also tried to unload the plugin with
program getversion, plugin using("c:\ado\plus\r\runmlwin_mcmcdiagnostics.plugin")
but I get the following message
Could not load plugin: c:\ado\plus\r\runmlwin_mcmcdiagnostics.plugin

I would be grateful for any help you can offer on this.

Many thanks,

Re: Could not load plugin: c:\ado\plus\r\runmlwin_mcmcdiagno

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 12:36 pm
by ChrisCharlton
From the size and checksum of the file it looks like this correct for the 32-bit Windows version of Stata. Can you confirm that this is what you are using?

This plugin is compiled using Visual Studio 2008 and requires the runtime libraries for this to be installed. These will often be included with other software installed on your machine, or with Windows components, however it is possible that they are missing in your case. You can obtain and install these from the following link: ... aspx?id=29

Re: Could not load plugin: c:\ado\plus\r\runmlwin_mcmcdiagno

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 12:50 pm
by giodje12
Dear ChrisCharlton,
thanks for your prompt reply. I am actually using the 64-bit Windows version of Stata. Does that mean that the file is not correct for my version?

Re: Could not load plugin: c:\ado\plus\r\runmlwin_mcmcdiagno

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 1:21 pm
by ChrisCharlton
The correct checksum for the 64-bit version should be:

Code: Select all

. checksum "runmlwin_mcmcdiagnostics.plugin"
Checksum for runmlwin_mcmcdiagnostics.plugin = 614330411, size = 61440
You can re-download the correct version to your plus directory with the following command:

Code: Select all

ssc copy runmlwin_mcmcdiagnostics.win64, plus binary
You will then need to go into this directory and rename it from runmlwin_mcmcdiagnostics.win64 to runmlwin_mcmcdiagnostics.plugin

I hope this helps.

Re: Could not load plugin: c:\ado\plus\r\runmlwin_mcmcdiagno

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 1:52 pm
by giodje12
Brilliant, problem fixed.
I very much appreciate your time and prompt replies!

Re: Could not load plugin: c:\ado\plus\r\runmlwin_mcmcdiagnostic

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2017 3:24 pm
by Tami90unikoeln
Hey there,

I actually had the same problem and tried to apply the offered solution (downloading the plugin again for the 64-bit version and rename it) however, I still recieve the error. I am using the MlwiN trial version, has it something to do with that?
Checksum delivers this: Checksum for c:\ado\plus\r\runmlwin_mcmcdiagnostics.plugin = 2589902397, size = 53248.
I am using the latest trial version, 2.36 and stata 14.

What could be the problem??

Thank you very much in advance

Re: Could not load plugin: c:\ado\plus\r\runmlwin_mcmcdiagnostic

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 12:39 pm
by ChrisCharlton
The checksum information that you reported is correct for the current version of the 64-bit Windows plugin. Since this original topic the compiler used to create the plugin has changed, so it's possible that you are missing some runtime components. The files corresponding to the version used can be downloaded from ... x?id=13523. It would also be worth double-checking that you are running the 64-version of Stata, which you can do with the following command from within Stata:

Code: Select all

display "`c(bit)'"
This should print 64 to the screen.

Re: Could not load plugin: c:\ado\plus\r\runmlwin_mcmcdiagnostic

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2017 4:41 pm
by Tami90unikoeln
Yes, I actually already saw that post and tried the link you provided to download the 64-plugin. I am using stata 14. But I still get the error message....

Re: Could not load plugin: c:\ado\plus\r\runmlwin_mcmcdiagnostic

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2017 4:50 pm
by ChrisCharlton
Could you try running the following command in Stata:

Code: Select all

program runmlwin_mcmcdiagnostics, plugin
and let me know the details of any messages displayed?

Re: Could not load plugin: c:\ado\plus\r\runmlwin_mcmcdiagnostic

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2018 5:41 am
by auctor21

I also had the same problem and tried to apply the offered solution
And I did the last step of solution that "program runmlwin_mcmcdiagnostics, plugin"

I got the messageg...
Could not load plugin: c:\ado\plus\r\runmlwin_mcmcdiagnostics.plugin

Can you give me the next step of solution?

You said below contents...
• You aren't using Windows.
• You have the 64-bit plugin version and are running the 32-bit Stata or vice versa
• You are don't have the necessary C++ run-time installed (i.e. ... px?id=5582 or ... px?id=2092).

If I don't use genuine window, does it now work?